
Sunday, October 10, 2010


Wood, Christina. “Fear Factor: Harassment Hurts.”
This article written by freelance writer Christina Wood is about school bullying. It uses one particular New Jersey middle school for an example. The school had recently been added to the state’s list of “persistently dangerous” schools. It goes on to explain some of the different kinds of bullying, as well as give some statistics about bullying in schools. Then the article discusses how to intervene and try to prevent or at least slow down bullying. The New Jersey middle school that was listed as persistently dangerous has been doing a good job. The school is no longer listed that way, and bullying seems to have majorly slowed down. The author of the article is no expert on school bullying, I do not believe. Christina Wood is a freelance writer out of North Carolina. However, you don’t need to be an expert to talk about it. Bullying in schools is/has/and will always be a problem. I don’t believe the article is all that new, but it doesn’t matter. It will always be an issue in schools. Personally, I was never a victim of school bullying. However, that doesn’t mean I never witnessed it. The last part of this article, labeled “Mean Girls” is what hit me the hardest. Not because I’m a girl, I’m not. But because I have a sister and I remember how cruel young/teenage girls can be. I don’t mean to compare, but girls are way worse, in my opinion, with bullying. It’s not the same as guys do. Boys bullying is very physical. Pushing, kicking, hitting. Etc. Girls go deeper. They seem to aim to emotionally and mentally cripple someone. I sympathize to any girl who has been the victim of that.
Caye, Carol. 11 May 2010.
This video found on teachertube is just a simple three and a half minute video showing how bullying happens and how it can affect young students. A song accompanies the video as well. Some statistical text pops up stating that bullying can have long lasting, devastating effects that can potentially lead to suicidal acts. The video is up to date. It was created just about 5 months ago. Regardless, as stated before, bullying has/is/and will always be a problem. It’s a shame that some people feel the need to bully in order to feel good about themselves, or to try to impress other people.

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